

Cost of House Cleaning in Cary

How Much Does House Cleaning Cost in Cary, NC?

The cost of house cleaning in Cary, NC, can vary widely based on several factors, including the size of the house, the scope of cleaning needed, the frequency of cleaning, and the specific cleaning company you choose. On average, professional house cleaning services might range from $150 to $300 or more per visit for a standard cleaning of a typical-sized home.

Here is a rough breakdown of what you might expect:

  1. Frequency: Regular cleanings (weekly or bi-weekly) might cost less per visit compared to one-time or infrequent deep cleanings.
  2. Size of the House: Larger homes generally cost more to clean than smaller ones due to the increased amount of work involved.
  3. Scope of Cleaning: The specific tasks you want the cleaning service to perform will affect the cost. Basic cleaning includes tasks like dusting, vacuuming, mopping, bathroom cleaning, and kitchen cleaning. Deep cleaning might include additional tasks like cleaning blinds, baseboards, and inside appliances.
  4. Additional Services: Some cleaning companies offer additional services like window cleaning, oven cleaning, refrigerator cleaning, and organizing. These services can add to the cost.
  5. Location: Local factors, such as the cost of living in Cary, NC, and local competition among cleaning companies, can influence pricing.
  6. Company: Different cleaning companies might have different pricing structures based on their level of expertise, reputation, and the quality of service they provide.

Mission Maids offers free estimates for your house cleaning or maid services needs in Cary, NC. Just visit Mission Maids site to request an estimate.